
Showing posts from May, 2019

Photography of Horses at the Racecourse

Photos of moving objects require more advanced skills. They require different camera settings. And, p hotography of all moving objects is not the same. It takes special skills to take photos of the Winx racehorse . For example, photography of moving race bikes or Formula 1 cars lapping a race track is different from photography at a racecourse. Bikes and Formula 1 cars will lap more than 50 times during the course of a race making it is possible for the photographer to move around the track waiting for that perfect shot. While on the racecourse, the horses do not lap, it is almost impossible to change position and there is very little time to take a shot. Special Characteristic of Shooting a Racecourse There is a big difference between taking a still photo and a moving photo. Besides a few changes in settings of a camera, it also requires special skill. Special features for shooting at a racecourse: ·  It is advisable to shoot from under a railing. ·  Flash p